October 10


October 10, 2023

The Rooks County Board of Commissioners met with the following present:  Chairman, John Ruder, and Members Tim Berland and Kayla Hilbrink. Laura Montgomery, Clerk was present to record the minutes.  Virgi Laska was present to write a report for Stockton Sentinel and Tonia Gertz was present to write a report for Plainville Times. Ruder called the meeting to order and asked all to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance

The agenda was accepted as presented.

Butch Post, EMD, was in to visit with the commissioners.

Ruder made a motion to go into executive session with the three commissioners and Butch Post from 9:03 am to 9:15 am to discuss non-elected personnel. Upon returning to open session, there was no further discussion.

Post has been working on the County Emergency Operation Plans. The plan expires October 15, 2023.  Civic Ready is 4586.00 and he doesn’t have the funds in his budget. The commissioners requested Montgomery visit with Ryan with Civic Plus to see if we could get a discount with having the two programs.

The commissioners told Post to update the job description for EMD

The commissioners reviewed October 3rd minutes. Ruder made a motion to accepted the minutes with minor corrections. Hilbrink second the motion and Berland agreed.

Tim Colburn, Road Supervisor Interim, was in to give his weekly report. The road crew is hauling on 11 Rd, North from Highway K-18.

Colburn and the commissioners discussed equipment. The chip sealing equipment is in the shop being serviced before the Damar Project. He is looking at the week of the 23rd  to chip-seal in Damar. The Mack water truck is in the shop with a bad injector and has problems with the frame. The county may need to purchase a new truck in the near future. Colburn said they can the put the tank and pump onto a newer truck to save money.

Colburn said he visited with Jerold DeBoer with Penco, about the Zurich Blacktop Project. They are to start on Monday but since DeBoer hasn’t heard from APAC, he thinks they might be behind on their schedule.

Ruder made a motion to sign the Landfill check in the amount of $23,234.30. Berland second the motion and Hilbrink agreed.

Colburn presented a job application.

Ruder made a motion to go into executive session with the three commissioners and Colburn from 9:37 am to 9:42 am to discuss non-elected personnel. Berland second the motion and Hilbrink agreed. Upon returning to open session, there was no further discussion.

Berland received a few calls about the Ellis blacktop having some pot holes.  The county usually oils and patches the road before it gets too cold. Berland also said that 10 Road from Zurich to the County line is rough and dusty.

Hilbrink received a call and the sign at P Road and 20 Road is down.

Danny Knoll, Sanitation Crew Chief, was in to visit with the commissioners. He spoke with Brandon Decker from Penco Engineering. Decker said since Bouchey is a surveyor and is trained to use the GPS Equipment, he could do the surveying at the landfill.  Knoll is getting bids to have the metal crushed and baled.

Hilbrink made a motion to sign October 3rd minutes. Berland second the motion and Ruder agreed.

Hilbrink weekly report: Stockton City is sending water from the lagoons to the golf course.

Berland weekly report: He ordered a new grill guard from Brad Keith. Berland was unable to reach Mike Klein, Weed Director, but left a message for him. He had some road concerns that he has already visited with Colburn about. He discussed the chip seal project at Damar.

Ruder weekly report: Jerold DeBoer spoke with Ruder about who is now in charge at the Road Department.  Ruder said he was not able to attend Solomon Valley Manor open house and ask how it went. Hilbrink said they had a very good turnout.

Ruder made a motion to review and approve the weekly vouchers as follows. Hilbrink second the motion and Berland agreed.

Heather Poore, County Appraiser, was in to visit with the commissioners.

Ruder made a motion to go into executive session from 10:33 to 11:00 with Poore, Montgomery and the three commissioners to discuss non-elected personnel. Upon returning to open session there was no further discussion.

Ruder made a motion to deny a tax payer’s request regarding private county information. Berland second the motion and Hilbrink agreed.

Ruder made a motion to allow the County Appraiser her adjusted wage for 2024. Berland second the motion and Hilbrink agreed.

Kelly Muir and Dean Hrabe, with the Fair Board was in to visit with the commissioners about improvements and needed repairs at the fair-grounds. Muir presented what they paid for asphalt millings and for stone work. Muir also said they are waiting on some more insurance money,

Muir updated the commissioners on repairs being done on the roofs. Roof Masters out of Hays will recoat the roofs of five of the buildings. They received insurance funds to recoat the roof on the grandstand but it isn’t worth recoating and needs to be replaced. The estimated to replace the roof is $70,000 and they need about $34,000. 

The Fair Board is looking at doing an expansion on the show arena. The projected cost is $53,000. They have raised $17,000 to $20,000. The Fair Board has applied for grants for this and other projects.

The Carnival will be returning next year.  

After some discussion as to where to get the funding, Ruder called Kelly Muir and told him go ahead with the roof on the grand stand and the commissioner will help to fund it.

Ruder made a motion to move forward with Roof Masters to replace the roof on the grand stand at the Fair-Grounds with the commissioners agreeing to pay less than $35,000 of the project with funds from LATCF. Hilbrink second the motion and Berland agreed.

With no further business to transact, Ruder made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Hilbrink second the motion and Berland agreed.

Adopted this 17th Day of October, 2023


______________________________________                     ATTEST:

John Ruder, Chairman                                                                    __________________________________

                                                                                                                Laura Montgomery, Certified County Clerk


Kayla Hilbrink, Member



Tim Berland, Member