January 8, 2024
The Rooks County Board of Commissioners met in special session for the purpose of discussing closing the courthouse due to the forecasted blizzard. Those present were Chairman, John Ruder, by phone and Members Tim Berland, by phone and Jake Prockish in person. Laura Montgomery, County Clerk, was present to record the minutes. Butch Post, EMD, Adam Bryant, EMD, Eric Biggs, Road Supervisor, Kim Northup, Treasurer and April Brown, Register of Deeds were also present. The newspapers were notified of the special meeting but wasn’t in attendance.
Ruder called the meeting to order.
Prockish said it is snowing hard and the predictions is for the snow to continue until midnight with an accumulation of 7 to 14 inches of snow. The roads in the Stockton area are already snow packed and icy.
Berland asked if there have been any customers today. Montgomery, Northup and Brown all said there hasn’t been anyone in their offices.
The commissioners discussed how to handle pay for the non-essential workers and essential personnel.
Post recommended closing the courthouse and sending all non-essential personnel home.
Ruder made a motion to close the courthouse at 12:00 noon today until 12:00 noon Tuesday and send home non-essential workers in all departments. Prockish seconded the motion and Berland agreed.
Prockish made a motion allow road personnel that works this afternoon and tomorrow morning, 10 hours to be use as straight time at a later date. Ruder second the motion and Berland agreed.
The commissioners will have their weekly meeting at 2:00 pm for the purpose of approving the weekly vouchers. Ruder and Berland will attend by phone and Prockish will attend in person. There will be no other business to conduct.
With no further business to transact, Ruder made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Adopted this 16th day of January, 2024
John Ruder, Chairman
Jake Prockish, Member
Tim Berland, Member
Laura Montgomery, Certified County Clerk