January 23, 2024
The Rooks County Board of Commissioners met with the following present: Chairman, John Ruder, and Members Tim Berland and Jake Prockish. Laura Montgomery, County Clerk, was present to record the minutes. Virgie Laska was present to take notes for Stockton Sentinel. Tonia Goertz with Plainville Times was present to take notes for the newspaper. Ruder called the meeting to order and asked all to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
The agenda was accepted as presented.
The commissioners reviewed January 16th minutes. Ruder made a motion to approve the minutes with corrections. Prockish second the motion and Berland agreed.
Rick Waters was in to visit with the commissioners to request an independent audit of the county.
Waters said E Rd from Highway 183 west to 16 Rd is extremely bad and needs to be rocked.
Waters thinks the county is wasting money and he want to know where the money is going. He doesn’t trust the audit Mapes and Miller does for the County. Waters discussed how much it cost the county for motor oil in the road department as well as other complaints. Prockish said changes have been made starting with a new supervisor. Biggs used to be the mechanic and is familiar with the maintenance needed on the road equipment. The commissioners explained the changes that are ongoing to maintain and keep equipment running.
Waters said the Golf Course is a waste of money and the county never should have purchased the property. The commissioners addressed Waters concerns.
Montgomery said copies of the audit report were available for a fee and she could e-mail a detail copy of the county budget.
Kim Northup and Denise Murchie were in to have Prockish sign bank signature cards.
Northup and her deputy are retiring April 1st. She has been training Murchie in anticipation of her being appointed as Treasurer. Northup will be sending out the letters to the Governor and Republican Party the 1st of February. Northup would like to hire a clerk now to start training in the office before she retires. Northup and Murchie have concerns about the Treasurer’s budget. The commissioners agreed to help with the budget at the end of the year, should be required.
Eric Biggs, Road Supervisor, was in for his weekly report. Tim Colburn was also present. Biggs presented the number of hours of comp time each road employee worked over the last two weeks to get the snow cleaned off of the county roads.
Biggs requested going back to working 5 days a week. The commissioner approved five days a week for February and March pay period.
Biggs presented job applications.
Ruder made a motion to go into executive session from 9:40 am to 9:55 am with the three commissioners, Biggs and Colburn. Prockish second the motion and Berland agreed. Upon returning to open session, there was no further discussion.
The commissioners, Biggs and Colburn discussed road concerns.
Biggs requested allowing the road department employees to carry over comp time above the 30 hours that is in the Personnel Policy.
Prockish made a motion to allow the road employees to carry over up to 60 hours and have until June 1st use the comp time. After June 1st the comp time will follow the Personnel Policy. Ruder second the motion and Berland agreed.
Berland said he had a request for I Road and 26 Road going west to be cleared of snow for an oil truck.
Danny Knoll, Sanitation Crew Chief, was in with landfill concerns. He visited with Ray Swaney about spraying foam in the back room of the building as the landfill. The Commissioners and Knoll discussed how much was needed. Ruder said to get another quote and bring the quotes next week.
Adam Bryant and Butch Post, EMD, was in to visit with the commissioners. They said the Emergency Operation Plan was ready. It will be sent to the county clerk so she can keep a paper copy and an electronic copy on file. Post requested paying for the KEMA membership for Bryant. It is $75 annually. The commissioners approve this.
In January 16th minutes, INA should be Civic Plus and the new radio will be installed in the EMD vehicle and not in his office.
When Post retires, Bryant would like to have the EMD number to be forward to his personal phone. Nex-Tech can split this out on his phone. He will have his personal phone number and the EMD phone number to the same phone. This is so Bryant doesn’t have to carry two phones. The commissioners thought this is a good idea.
There is no budget for uniforms or shirts. He would like to purchase a few shirts with the EMD emblem. Prockish requested he get a quote.
Ruder made a motion to go into executive session from 10:23am to 10:30am with the three commissioners, Post and Bryant. Prockish second the motion and Berland agreed. Upon returning to open session, there was no further discussion.
Ruder made a motion to appoint Danny Knoll as Sanitation Supervisor effect for the January pay period. Prockish second the motion and Berland agreed.
Ruder made a motion to reclassify Chet Rudman as Sanitation Crew Chief. Prockish second and Berland agreed.
Prockish made a motion to sign January 16th minutes. Ruder second the motion and Berland agreed.
Zac Brown was in to talk to the commissioners about the concrete in front to the water resource building. Moisture has gotten under the concrete and has raised it enough that they can’t open the door. The concrete will need to be replaced when the weather allows. There is a door on the south side they can use. Prockish will go by see if there is a temporary solution.
Prockish weekly report: He had several calls on the roads, most of the have been good.
Ruder asked about the equipment in building at Golf Course. The commissioners discuss having a surplus equipment sale.
Berland weekly report: He had a few calls about roads needing to be plowed.
Ruder weekly report: He has a RB Board meeting later in the week and there is a LEPG meeting on Wednesday that he will attend either by Zoom or phone.
Ruder made a motion to sign CDBG #23-CVR-011 Grant and all related documents. Berland second the motion and Prockish agreed.
Ruder made a motion to review and approve the following vouchers. Prockish second the motion and Berland agreed.
County General 82240-82274 $250,641.22
Noxious Weed 82275-82276 $758.17
Health Department 82277-82283 $2,821.17
Alcohol Program 82284 $400.00
Central Kansas Library 82285 $82,081.39
With no further transact, Prockish made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ruder second the motion and Berland agreed.
Adopted this 31st day of January, 2024
______________________________________ ATTEST:
John Ruder, Chairman __________________________________
Laura Montgomery, Certified County Clerk
Jake Prockish, Member
Tim Berland, Member