January 2


January 2, 2024

The Rooks County Board of Commissioners met with the following present: Chairman, John Ruder, and Members Tim Berland and Jake Prockish. Laura Montgomery, County Clerk, was present to record the minutes. Virgie Laska was present to take notes for Stockton Sentinel and Tonia Goetz was present to take notes for Plainville Times. Ruder called the meeting to order and asked all to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

The agenda was accepted as presented.

Mark Schaukowitch was in to visit with the commissioners on Medicaid expansion and the LATR Program. He would like to see support for the hospital and expansion of Medicaid from the commissioners. This will help to fill in the Medicare Gap. Medicaid expansion will help the nursing facilities by increasing ability to hire and increase wages. The average annual wage in Rooks County is 31,800. There is a public meeting in Plainville from a healthcare expert on this concern February 22nd. Ruder thanked Mark for his presentation.

Mike Klein, Noxious Weed Director, was in to have the commissioners sign a contract for spraying the state highway right of ways. It is the same price as last year. Ruder made a motion to sign the contract with the State of Kansas for the spraying of weeds along the State Highways ROW. Berland second the motion and Prockish agreed.

Klein would like to keep his part-time help on through the winter to help clean out old records and the building. The commissioners agreed.

Ruder made a motion to give Klein’s part-time help a .50 per hour raise now instead of March. Prockish second the motion and Berland agreed.

Butch Post, EMD, said Adam Bryant will start next Monday. He will take him to the meeting in Lions on the January 11th and to the Garden City Wildfire Statewide Outlook on Saturday the 13th. The commissioners think this is a good idea.

Eric Biggs, Road Supervisor, was in with his weekly report. There are 5 trucks on AA Road hauling rock from 17 Road to 16 Road. There is a loader in Salina for repairs. He had a transmission go out in a loader last week and now he is waiting on parts. Biggs and commissioners discussed equipment.

Biggs discussed uniforms. The cost has increase to have the uniforms cleaned, he would like to give a stipend to employees for clothing. Right now, he is the only mechanic so the stipend will only be for him.

Biggs and the commissioners discussed hiring part time employees.

Berland and Biggs discussed the Logan Road and the need for speed limits and weight limits for trucks. Biggs will talk with Brown about what the county can put up for signs.

Biggs has a problem with someone taking rock from a pit that isn’t theirs. He would like to put up a camera to catch whoever it is. Ruder suggested he visit the County Sheriff about the issue.

Danny Knoll, Sanitation, Crew Chief, said he contacted All Weather Roofing out of Russell about spraying installation on the walls in the back room. The estimate is $2,500 to $2,800. Prockish suggested Knoll contact Ray Swaney who is local. Knoll said the fencing will be in sometime soon.

Commissioners reviewed the minutes for December 26th and December 29th. Ruder made a motion to approve the minutes with corrections. Berland second the motion and Prockish agreed.

Prockish made a motion to sign Resolution 2024-R1 for the annual GAAP Resolution. Ruder second the motion and Berland agreed.

The commissioners opened and reviewed their mail. They received a letter from High Plains Mental Health. Walt Hill has retired and they have appointed Craig Poe as the new director.

Received from Rooks County Healthcare Foundation, a request for funds to support the Rooks County Cancer Council. The commissioners decided not to appropriation any funds.

The commissioners reviewed the 2024 Holidays. Berland made a motion to accept the holidays excluding June 19th. Ruder second and Prockish disagreed.

Ruder moved to the annual appointments. Ruder made a motion to appoint the following person. Berland second the motion and Prockish agreed.

Rooks County Commissioner Chairman John Ruder

ADA Representative Jake Prockish

NWKS Community Correction Representative Jake Prockish

Economic development Representative Jake Prockish

Emergency Management Director Tracy “Butch” Post

Noxious Weed Director Mike Klein

Local Emergency Planning John Ruder

E-Waste Community Tim Berland

Solid Wast Committee Tim Berland

County Health Officer Dr. Daniel Sanchez

E-Committee Financial Review Board April Brown, Kelli Hansen, Lisa Gilmore, Roger Hrabe

Mental Health Board Representative Scott Bennett, Gary Knight

NWKS Juvenile Representatives Jake Prockish, Danielle Muir

NWKS Planning & Development Tim Berland

Senior Services Board John Ruder

Work Force One Board Member Jake Prockish

Richland Fire District Board Ivan Normandin, Tom Benoit, Kyle Benoit

Rooks County Golf Course Board Bob Plante, Sam Jackson, David Reed, Brian Berkley, Gary Knight, Jake Prockish

County Land Surveyors Jerold DeBoer, Plainville, LS#1264

Christopher Byers, Plainville, LS#1574

James Meis, Hays, LS#1533

Darrell Christen, Hays, LS#1367

County Bank Depositors

Astra Bank, Plainville

Farmers National Bank, Stockton

First State Bank, Plainville

Solutions North Bank, Stockton

Municipal Investments Bank, Topeka

County mileage rate: 56 cents per mile

Ruder made a motion for both newspapers, Plainville Times and Stockton Sentinel, to be the official county newspapers with Plainville times being primary for 2024. The county will have an option to bid out large publications between the two newspapers; such as delinquent tax/tax sale publication. Prockish second the motion and Berland agreed

Prockish weekly report: He said there wasn’t much going on with the short week. He did attend the RCED board meeting last week. Prockish talked with Kelli Hansen. She has done grant writing for both of the Cities and the Hospital. He would like to retain her as a grant writer for the county. The commissioners discussed having her on retainer for the county.

Prockish visited with Biggs about working with Penco bridge projects. The commissioners discussed the road and bridge on Bow Creek where the river is cutting into the road.

Berland weekly report: He drove a few roads in the Palco-Zurich area.

Ruder weekly report: The December Red Bud meeting was postponed. He received positive comments about road graders out working over the holidays. All of the commissioners have received the same positive comments.

Berland made a motion to sign December 26th and 29th minutes. Ruder second the motion and Prockish agreed.

With no further business to transact, Ruder made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Berland second the motion and Prockish agreed.

Adopted this 16th Day of January, 2024



John Ruder, Chairman 


Jake Prockish, Member


Tim Berland, Member



Laura Montgomery, Certified County Clerk