February 7, 2023
The Rooks County Board of Commissioners met with the following present: Chairman, John Ruder, and Members, Tim Berland and Kayla Hilbrink. Laura Montgomery, County Clerk, was present to record the minutes. Virgie Laska was present to write a report for Stockton Sentinel. Ruder called the meeting to order and asked all to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Butch Post was added to the agenda. The agenda was accepted as presented.
Chuck Comeau from Rooks County Senior Services and Quentin Meyers, Plainville City Mayor, was in to discuss ARPA Funds and Red Bud. The commissioners had reviewed the information that was sent to them a couple of weeks ago. Hilbrink asked about the transition of the building to Plainville City. Since the county owns the building, it has to be published for three consecutive weeks and be open for bids before the county can convey the property. Hilbrink asked what services the Action Pact agency provides. Comeau said they do training, help with administration and regulations. Berland asked if they see an end to the agency being used. Comeau replied yes. Meyers said the agency has helped nursing facilities all over the country with the end result of the facilities being able to operate on their own. The commissioners and Comeau and Meyers discuss the agency; what it will take for the new building and the transition of the new building. They are hoping to lock in the interest rate at 3.58%. Berland stated he had people in his district approach him about the county continuing to fund the business. The County should take care of the building but not fund the business. Why are we not also helping all of the other businesses. Comeau said the 501C3 is a non-profit set-up by the county to manage the property. It is not a private owned business. Meyers said they need to have the security of funding before they can move forward. All past debt has been paid except the agency nursing. The facility has been full since January. The matching of county funds is through the Foundation. Ruder asked if the county was willing to give $75,000 of ARPA Funds. Ruder asked if there were any other options. Montgomery reminded the commissioners they did budget $75,000 out of the commissioner’s fund for the assisted living and nursing facility. Hilbrink requested the decision be tabled for a week.
Kelli Hansen and Kathy Ramsey with Heartland Community Foundation was in to request funds from the county again this year. February is “match month”. If they can raise $50,000 then they will get matching funds up to $150,000 plus extra for administration fees. This is the 7th year. They have $750,000 in their endowment fund. They only grant the earnings off of the endowment. Over a million dollars have been granted in Rooks County since 2017. Ruder made a motion to give Rooks County Legacy Fund $2,000 out of Federal Land Payment. Berland second, Hilbrink abstained as she is on the Foundation Board.
Rich Bouchey, Road Supervisor weekly report: Bouchey presented a utility agreement with Nex-Tech. Ruder made a motion sign the Utility Agreement between Rooks County and Nex-Tech to bury fiber optic cable from 25 Road and AA Road south to BB Road and then East and South to Section 29-T10S-R16W. Hilbrink second the motion and Berland agreed.
Bouchey and the commissioners discussed road concerns and the areas to be worked in the next week. Berland asked if overtime needs to be approved. Bouchey said yes, he wants to know who is out working and where.
Sadie Look made inquiries to others counties for funding for the Zurich Blacktop Project. There is no other funding available. Our other option is to do it ourself. Bouchey will call the state to find out if there are any funds for the county.
Butch Post, EMD, was in to visit with the commissioners about the LEPC meeting. There are new members, Lori Eichman took Julie Cole place as Vice-Chairperson. The commissioners reviewed the LEPC members.
Commissioners open mail: Ruder made a motion to endorse Township 10 and Township 7 bond checks. Berland second the motion and Hilbrink agreed.
Ruder made a motion to sign the DBE Program Policy Statement for the airport. Berland second the motion and Hilbrink agreed.
Hilbrink made a motion to sign the lease agreement for Chesapeake Roadhouse at the golf course. Berland second the motion and Ruder agreed. The money for rent will go into the County General Fund.
Ruder called Lori Eichman, County Health Nurse at her request. The Plainville School is looking for funds for vaping sensors in the bathrooms in the amount of $20,000. Ruder said Gary Knight, Sheriff, said he had offered wands to detect vapors to the schools and Plainville declined. Eichman will visit with Knight.
Received in the mail, minutes from High Plains Mental Health.
Commissioners review January 31st minutes. Ruder made a motion to approve the minutes with corrections. Hilbrink second the motion and Berland agreed.
Montgomery had notified the commissioners she had the county attorney review the agreement Heather Poore presented to the commissioners last week. Montgomery informed the commissioners she would not accept the document and why. At her request, Ruder will visit with Poore.
Hilbrink weekly report: It was a mostly quiet week.
Berland weekly report: He had one call on the roads and he talked to Bouchey about it.
Ruder weekly report: He had a call about AA Road concern which he forwarded to Bouchey.
Montgomery informed the commissioners about the K-Camp meeting on Monday with Yana Ross and Ed Haber. They had been to the Sheriff’s office prior to coming to the Courthouse. Yana Ross did a good job in explaining the benefits and programs K-Camp has to offer. There are questions on the ambulance drivers, the museum and nursing facility in Plainville. She will get back with Montgomery if anything additional needs to be done.
Ruder made a motion to review and approve the weekly vouchers as follows. Berland second the motion and Hilbrink agreed.
General 79895-79911 28,890.35
Road & Bridge 79912-79920 4,953.73
Noxious Weed 79921-79926 1,491.35
Sanitation 79927-79929 234.24
Golf Course 79930 40.00
RCED 79931-79932 155.19
Alcohol Program 79933 400.00
GRAND TOTAL 36,164.86
Hilbrink moved to sign January 31st minutes. Berland second the motion and Ruder agreed.
With no further business to transact, Hilbrink move to adjourn the meeting. Ruder second the motion and Berland agreed.
Adopted this 14th Day of February, 2023
John Ruder, Chairman
Kayla Hilbrink, Member
Tim Berland, Member
Laura Montgomery, Certified County Clerk