February 28, 2023
The Rooks County Board of Commissioners met with the following present: Chairman, John Ruder, and Members Tim Berland and Kayla Hilbrink. Laura Montgomery, County Clerk, was present to record the minutes. Virgie Laska was present to write a report for Stockton Sentinel. Ruder called the meeting to order and asked all to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
The agenda was accepted as presented.
Heather Poore was in to present 2023 values to the commissioners. Poore gave the commissioners the K.S.A. statues for 2020 and 2019 for the appraisal of real and tangible personal property at fair market value. She had a power point presentation. Reviewed the value of houses over the last 6 years. In 2022, 91% of sales are buyers from the State of Kansas. She had grafts and charts showing the average sale of houses and her values compared to sale price of houses. The average increase of values for houses is 15%.
Jason and Lisa Nyp were in to visit with the commissioners and Rich Bouchey, who was absent, about the plans for Zurich Black Top. Ruder explained that about two years ago the county received a grant for $1 million with the County contributing $330 thousand to the project. The bids were higher than project. Last week the county, with the help of Kelli Hansen, applied for a grant that would help with finishing the project. The grant will be awarded in April. They have purchased property north of Zurich that has chat on property. They would like to have a time frame as to when it will be moved.
Mr. Nyp asked if there is any maintenance agreement on roads shared by counties. Who is responsible for maintaining the roads? Ruder said there is general agreement that every other two miles we maintain and the other county maintains the alternate two miles. The Road & Bridge has that information in their office. They both complained that EE Road is wash board and dangerous to travel. Also asked about the priority of which roads get snow removed first. Ruder said FSA roads get priority. We had snow on Wednesday and Thursday, then because of the holiday, there was four days of no road maintenance or snow removal. Other counties are out on the weekend doing road maintenance. The road in Rooks County is the worst with no sight of grader work being done. Mrs. Nyp gave a list of roads that are terrible condition. Redline Road has been worked but it is still in bad shape. They want a better job by the county to remove snow.
Ray Niblock with the City of Stockton was in to request the commissioners waive the landfill fee for the building the city is going to tear down on Mian Street. The building was destroyed by a vehicle accident prior to being deeded over to the City of Stockton. Since the city only has a couple of small trucks, does the county have a spare dump truck to use? Ray will ask Rich if he has a truck to lend. Ruder made a motion to waive the landfill fees. Berland second the motion. Hilbrink abstained because she is employed by Stockton City.
The commissioners reviewed February 21st minutes. Ruder made a motion to approve the minutes with minor corrections. Hilbrink second the motion and Berland agreed.
Ruder made amotion to endorse the township bond checks and Richland Fire District as follows: 2nd Berland, Hilbrink agreed.
Chesapeake Roadhouse presented the commissioners with a bill from Plainville City in the amount of $593.93. There was a water leak outside of the building. It was fixed January 13th and the bill is for January 1 through January 18. Berland motion to pay the City of Plainville bill less $100 as Chesapeake Roadhouse did use some water. Ruder second the motion and Hilbrink agreed.
The commissioners discussed the disposition of Redbud Village and Redbud Estate in Plainville City. Montgomery has been talking to the county attorney about the publication of disposition. Danielle Muir, County Attorney has been working on making sure all of the proper documents are in order before the county proceeds.
Ruder made a motion to sign the CMB License to Webster Bait and Tackle for consumption on premise. Hilbrink second the motion and Berland agreed.
Ruder made a motion to sign the CMB License to Webster Bait and Tackle for not for consumption on premise. Hilbrink second the motion and Berland agreed.
Berland made a motion to sign February 21st minutes. Ruder second the motion and Hilbrink agreed.
Hilbrink weekly report: She had a RCED meeting and a Golf Course Board meeting. They discussed getting a new tank for the water at the golf course. The board decided to increase the rates on memberships that are due April 1st. Hilbrink received a call about landfill trash that has blown along Hwy 183.
Berland weekly report: He talked to Brian Newell, Mayor of Damar City, and they are planning on resealing their streets either late this summer or early fall. In the past they have purchased the oil and chat through the county. He will visit with Bouchey about this. Berland is hoping the county oil distributor is working.
Ruder weekly report: He had a Redbud Board meeting last Thursday and they are down 3 beds. The assistant living still the same number of residences. Plainville City is on board with the plan to purchase the property and the county giving them $75,000 at the time of the transfer.
Hilbrink moved to review and sign the end of month vouchers and payroll as follows. Berland second the motion and Ruder agreed.
General 147,242.49 42,490.95 162,061.28 351,794.72
Road & Bridge 16,286.48 71,032.00 87,318.48
Noxious Weed 38.24 7,038.45 7,076.69
Health Dept. 100.00 4,470.61 26,333.90 30,904. 51
Custodian Equip 81.29 81.29
Sanitation 375.02 10,284.59 10,659.61
RCED 5,338.90 840.97 4,873.96 11,053.83
Alcohol Program 3,000.00 3,000.00
Sales Tax 24,975.00 24,975.00
Grand Totals 197,437.42 47,802.53 281,624.18 526,864.13
General 259,662.81 42,490.95 162,061.28 464,215.04
Road & Bridge 69,159.06 71,032.00 140,191.06
Noxious Weed 2,031.60 7,038.45 9,070.05
Health Dept. 4,274.42 4,470.61 26,333.90 35,078.93
Custodian Equip 654.20 654.20
Sanitation 4,315.33 10,284.59 14,599.92
Golf Course 105.16 105.16
RCED 5,494.09 840.97 4,873.96 11,209.02
Alcohol Program 4,200.00 4,200.00
Insurance Claims 2,211.84 2,211.84
Sales Tax 24,975.00 24,975.00
Grand Totals 197,437.42 47,802.53 281,624.18 526,864.13
The commissioners discussed roads issues and issues in the Road and Bridge department.
Hilbrink made a motion to adjourn. Berland second the motion and John agreed.
Adopted this 7th Day of March, 2023
John Ruder, Chairman
Kayla Hilbrink, Member
Tim Berland, Member
Laura Montgomery, Certified County Clerk