February 14, 2023
The Rooks County Board of Commissioners met with the following present: Chairman, John Ruder, and Members, Tim Berland and Kayla Hilbrink. Laura Montgomery, County Clerk, was present to record the minutes. Virgie Laska was present to write a report for Stockton Sentinel. Ruder called the meeting to order and asked all to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chuck Comeau was added to the agenda at 9:00 and Butch Post was added at 9:15. The agenda was accepted as presented.
Chuck Comeau with Senior Services was in to follow up on last week’s meeting and see what it will take to move forward. Berland commented that by continuing to fund the facility, it complicates the problems. He feels that if the County transfers the property to Plainville City, then they can go forward with the new facility. Tax payers in Plainville will be responsible for the $11 million loan, are they going to be okay with that? Comeau, the city is ready to take over as soon as the funding is received from the County. The funding will carry them through 2023. The only thing that can happen is for Plainville City to become the owner. This will be the last time for funding from the County. At the end of 2023 the facility will be on its feet.
Hilbrink said last year between the city and the County, $700,000 was given to Red Bud. Berland said the funds in the commissioner’s budget was not set aside to fund the operations. The funding shortage was a result of covid pandemic. Comeau and the commissioners discuss financing in the future. Hilbrink wants to start the process to transfer the building over to Plainville. Commissioners Hilbrink and Berland are unwilling to fund the $75,000. Comeau said this is important to the community of Plainville and Rooks County. Berland wants it to succeed but has to draw the line somewhere. Berland thinks the Senior Services can come up with the money somewhere else.
Butch Post, EMD, was in to find out who would be going to the exercise in Oakley. Hilbrink will let him know but is planning on it.
The commissioners reviewed February 7th minutes. Ruder made a motion to approved the minutes with minor corrects. Berland second the motion and Hilbrink agreed.
Berland weekly report: He didn’t have too many complaints. He had talked to Bouchey about a couple of roads.
Hilbrink Weekly report: She received a call about the vaping sensors for the schools.
Ruder: He received a call about Y Road east of Highway 183. Someone had pushed a bunch of rock that the road department had laid down out into the road to obstruct traffic.
Ruder visited with Poore about the document she presented the commissioners two weeks ago.
Berland made a motion to appoint Megan Niblock and Adam Comeau to Regional Emergency Medical Service Council. Hilbrink second the motion and Ruder agreed.
Ruder made a motion to endorse Township #9 bond check and Township #8 bond check. Berland second the motion and Hilbrink agreed.
Ruder made a motion to sign a check that was reissued to Rooks County Health Benefits because the original check was payable to a wrong vendor. Hilbrink second the motion and Berland agreed.
Berland made a motion to proceed with the publication for seal bids for the sale of Redbud Estates & Redbud Village in Plainville. Hilbrink second the motion. Montgomery will contact the county attorney to start the process of conveying the buildings.
Ruder made a motion to appoint Ann Williams to the Central Kansas Library System. Hilbrink second the motion and Berland agreed.
Rich Bouchey, Road supervisor, weekly report: He presented an application to replace signs on FSA routes.
Bouchey presented the monthly reports for Sanitation and Road Departments.
Ruder made a motion to endorse the Landfill check in the amount of $8,622.40. Berland second the motion and Hilbrink agreed.
The prisoners had gone out and picked up trash that had blown into the milo field by the landfill.
Hilbrink made a motion to accept the 2023 High Risk Signing Project. Ruder second the motion and Berland agreed.
Bouchey and the commissioners discussed the incoming bad weather. Berland was on R Road yesterday and someone had bladed the first mile. Bouchey said the grader had been in the shop and Rudman may have been out playing with it to make sure everything was ok and that is why only the first mile was bladed.
Mongeau wants a culvert down in the creek. We still have the road right away even though the bridge has been removed. There is no through traffic across the creek in that B & 11 Road.
Bouchey discussed working roads and adding rock and sand. Colburn is back to work with restrictions. Axelson is also back to work with restrictions. Bouchey has him working at the landfill. Things are going well at the shop.
Bouchey said the undersheriff asked him about trash on 22 Road between J Road and K Road aka McComb Canyon. People have been dumping trash down in the ditch. It will take an excavator and a dump truck to clean up the trash as there are trash bags and household items.
The commissioners approved the Treasurer’s Quarterly Statement.
The commissioners opened and reviewed their mail. Received From Frank Austin a request for the commissioners to proclaim March 12 – 18th, as MS Awareness Week. Montgomery will type up a letter for the commissioners to sign next week. There was a request for a donation from Motion Dance and a membership application from KACPZO with no action taken on either request.
Ruder made a motion to review and sign weekly vouchers as follows: Berland second the motion and Hilbrink agreed.
County General 79934-79968, 80012 63,415.54
Road & Bridge 79969-79987, 80012 48,173.08
Noxious Weed 79988-79991, 80012 543.00
Health Department 79992-80001, 80012 2,738.09
Custodian Equipment 80002 572.91
Sanitation 80003-80008, 80012 3,722.20
Golf Course 80009 65.16
RCED 80012 16.46
Alcohol Program 80010-80011 800.00
GRAND TOTAL 120,046.44
Berland made a motion to sign February 7th minutes. Ruder second the motion and Hilbrink agreed.
With no further business to transact Ruder made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Hilbrink second the motion and Berland agreed.
Adopted this 21st Day of February, 2023
John Ruder, Chairman
Kayla Hilbrink, Member
Tim Berland, Member
Laura Montgomery, Certified County Clerk