April 2, 2024
The Rooks County Board of Commissioners met with the following present: Chairman, John Ruder, and Members Tim Berland and Jake Prockish. Laura Montgomery, County Clerk, was present to record the minutes. Virgie Laska was present to write a report for Stockton Sentinel. Tonia Goetz was present to write a report for Plainville Times. Ruder called the meeting to order and asked all to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
The agenda was accepted as presented.
Ashley Comeau and Adam Comeau were in to discuss the 30% Food Rule to sell liquor. Rooks County didn’t opt out of the 30% Rule so if a business wants to sell liquor, 30% of its total sales must be food. Ashley Comeau presented a map of the state of Kansas that showed most of the counties have opted out. She gave examples where not having the 30% Rule has supported the businesses and the community. There is an interest in Rooks County for micro-breweries. This could also benefit the golf course by allowing them to have a tap room without requiring a full restaurant.
Ashley Comeau asked the commissioners to consider a resolution to put on the General Ballot in November a question to opt out of the 30% Rule.
Roger Hrabe, RCED, said the growth of micro-breweries across tanguay the state has increased since 2000 and business that specialize in brewing do not want to run a restaurant. Josh talked about the history of the law and how things have changed. The liquor and beer are now locally sourced. Ashely Comeau said there would be some food serviced such as appetizers along with the drinks.
Ruder made a motion to move forward with resolution to put a question on the November Ballot to reduce the food rule from 30% to 0%. Prockish second the motion and Berland agreed.
Eric Biggs, Road Supervisor, weekly report: The road crew are on AA Road hauling rock and on 3 Road. They are removing tees on Codell Road north of town and clearing out ditches. He also has a crew on 20 Road and B Road taking out some trees so fence work can be down.
He has a dump truck he took to Hays and they are thinking it was struck by lightning. The vehicle was in Zurich on March 13th during the storm. Biggs told the commissioners purchased the service truck from Osborne County at the auction. On the auction time web. the county.
Jerold DeBoer, with Penco Engineering was in to talk with the commissioners about off system bridge #70. It has to be done by October but there is a landowner who is refusing to give the county right of way. DeBoer, Biggs and the commissioners discussed some options including closing the road and the bridge. If the bridge isn’t replaced, the state will close the bridge and there will be no funding to replace it. DeBoer feels the only option is to condemn the land for the ROW. The commissioners agreed to condemn the property. DeBoer will reach out to the county attorney to start the process
Ruder made a motion to go into executive session from 9:35 am to 9:40 am with the three commissioners and Biggs to discuss non-elected personnel. Prockish second the motion and Berland agreed. Upon returning to open session there was no further discussion.
The chat on Nyp’s property was moved to the landfill. It took 75 loads over 3 days.
The auctioneer from Auction Time said he would be interested in selling road equipment. Biggs and the commissioners discussed having him sell the road equipment vs Purple Wave. The Commission for Auction time is less.
Danny Knoll, Sanitation Supervisor, weekly report: The fencing has been delivered. Knoll discussed paying his roofing guys to put up the fencing when they can’t do any roofing. Knoll discussed purchasing a Mower Tractor and splitting the cost and use with the airport. The old mower has no cab and the mower is rusting. Ruder contacted Roger Hrabe, the airport hires out all of the mowing. The cost of a new Mower Tractor will need to be purchased out of the Sanitation fund. This was tabled until later.
Adam Bryant, EMD, was in and said the security buttons for the courthouse have been upgraded to the 800 system. Alerts will be a text to phones instead of e-mail. He is still working on the After-Action Report for the commissioners. He has had requests from businesses about doing something like the drill he did for the courthouse.
The LEPC meeting is this month.
The software for the GIS mapping equipment from when the commissioners did away with the department is out dated. He will need to update the software next year. Commissioners agreed to keep the software updated.
Bryant asked about taking ambulance calls as needed when his is working for the county. The commissioners discussed and decided to table until next week.
Megan Niblock and Adam Comeau were in to visit with the commissioners about the ambulances. Montgomery is working on grant with Dane G Hansen for the second ambulance and they are helping her in getting the needed paperwork.
Comeau has visited with the manufacturing company and there have been no price increases. They are looking at delivery by the 4th quarter and possibly by the 3rd quarter. Payment is due on delivery. If we have funding for one of the ambulances, the company can offer to others on the list the second ambulance to give us more time for funding. Comeau will need to know in a few weeks. Right now, both ambulances will be delivered at the same time.
Megan Niblock said there is a turbo going out on one of the units and they don’t want to invest the money to fix it because we are expecting the ambulances. They have already replaced the turbo in one of the Stockton Units.
Berland asked about financing. Comeau said they do have financing. Options at five and seven years for annual payments. Comeau said he could get updated financing as what he had was several years old.
Prockish asked about the ambulance sheds being built. Comeau said there are two phases, get the buildings up then setup the buildings. Plainville can fit the new longer ambulance but Stockton has no room for the longer vehicle. They do plan on applying for grants to help with the cost of the sheds.
Received a check from K-Camp for repairs on a sheriff vehicle in the amount of $9,598.45. Ruder made a motion to endorse the check. Prockish second the motion and Berland agreed.
Berland weekly report: April 4th at 9:00 the road department is having a meeting that the commissioners have been invited to. April 10th in Colby is Mini KAC meeting and he is planning on attending. He visited with Darrel Keller about roads this morning.
The commissioners discussed vehicles at the road department.
Ruder asked about replacing the cement at Water Resource Building. He had talked with Hamel Construction from Plainville about looking at it. Prockish would talk with the custodian about it.
Prockish weekly report: He been working at the Golf Course. He discussed what was going on and the surplus sale. He also discussed having some of the salvageable trash hauled off.
Ruder weekly meeting: There was a Red Bud meeting he didn’t attend. He will have more information later.
Commissioners reviewed 26th and March 29th minutes. Ruder made a motion to March 26th minutes with corrects and March 29th minutes as presented. Prockish second the motion and Berland agreed.
Montgomery informed the commissioners she will be out of the office the rest of the week to attend Sandborn classes in Manhattan. She is working on her master county clerk designation.
With no further business to transact, Ruder made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Prockish second the motion and Berland agreed.
Adopted this 9th day of April, 2024
John Ruder, Chairman
Jake Prockish, Member
Tim Berland, Member
Laura Montgomery, Certified County Clerk