March 29


MARCH 29, 2024

The Rooks County Board of Commissioners met with the following present:  Chairman, John Ruder, and Members Tim Berland and Jake Prockish. Laura Montgomery, County Clerk, was present to record the minutes.  Ruder called the meeting to order and asked all to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Gary Knight, Sheriff was in to visit with the Commissioners about the body and vehicle cameras. If he signs the agreement with AXON and purchase the cameras now, he will save $17,475. The maintenance fee is included in the cost. There will be $31,700 due January 2025. Ruder made a motion to allow the Sheriff to purchase new body and in car cameras from Axon. Berland second the motion and Prockish agreed.

Knight said he would reach out to Kelli Hansen with Heartland Community Foundation for a grant to purchase AED units for the Sheriff Department and Road and Bridge.

Lori Eichman, Health Administrator was in to discuss the person cleaning her office.

Zac Brown was in at the commissioners’ request do discuss personnel and the building at the golf course.

Montgomery and the commissioners discussed a new time clock system. Montgomery looked at the product from Time Clock Plus. It is web based and the employes that clock in and out on their phones will download an app to clock in and out and request time off. The set-up fee is $5,906.25 and the annual fee is $3,900.00. The annual fee will be paid out of the computer fund and will replace Prime Pay monthly fee. The set-up fee will be paid out of Federal Land Payment.

Ruder made a motion to review and sign vouchers and March Payroll as follows. Berland second the motion and Prockish agreed.


FUND                                  VOUCHERS         EMPLE BEN        GROSS PAY          TOTAL

General                               149,012.95          43,879.09            170,492.43          363,384.47

Road & Bridge                                                                               64,561.97            64,561.97

Noxious Weed                   38.60                                                  7,519.09              7,557.69

R& B Special Equip           22,021.88                                                                        22,021.88

Health Depart                                                 3,723.49              20,756.94            24,480.43

Sanitation                                                                                       8,901.58              8,901.58

Golf Course                                                                                    44.50                    44.50

RCED                                   1,061.31              904.80                  5,020.18              6,986.29

Alcohol Program               400.00                                                                              400.00

Insurance Claims              90,592.06                                                                        90,592.06

GRAND TOTALS                263,126.80          48,507.38            277,296.69          588.930.87



FUND                                  VOUCHERS         EMPLE BEN        GROSS PAY          TOTAL

General                               192,942.82          43,879.09            170,492.43          407,314.34

Road & Bridge                   59,411.71                                          64,561.97            123,973.68

Noxious Weed                   1,218.04                                            7,519.09              8,737.13

R& B Special Equip           22,021.88                                                                        22,021.88

Sheriff Equip Reserve      1,399.00                                                                          1,399.00

Health Depart                   29,015.58            3,723.49              20,756.94            53,496.01

Sanitation                           13,865.79                                          8,901.58              22,767.37

Golf Course                        3,848.24                                            44.50                    3,848.24

RCED                                   3,002.89              904.80                  5,020.18              8,927.87

Alcohol Program               400.00                                                                              400.00

Central KS Library             2,668.88                                                                          2,668.88

Sheriff VIN Registration   250.00                                                                              250.00

Insurance Claims              90,592.06                                                                        90,592.06

Sales Tax                             22,525.00                                                                        22,525.00

GRAND TOTALS                443,161.89          48,507.38            277,296.69          768,965.96

With no further business to transact, Ruder made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Prockish second the motion and Berland agreed.

Adopted this 2nd day of April, 2024


__________________________                                   ATTEST:

John Ruder, Chairman                                                  _________________________________________

                                                                                          Laura Montgomery, Certified County Clerk


Jake Prockish, Member



Tim Berland, Member